Funny Things to Ask Google Mini

Ask Google Home
Google Home is an awesome device that can be used to play a variation of entertainment options, manage daily task,s and a faster way to get your answer to your questions.
Since purchasing the Google Home mini back in November 2017, it has kept my family entertain with games, tools, music, and asking the funniest questions we could think of. You can amaze your friends by commanding things in your apartment or house with just your voice.
According to,
Smart speakers are having an impact on the amount of time people spend watching TV, listening to the radio, and playing on their smartphones, the survey found. Thirty percent of smart speaker owners said the device has caused them to watch less TV, while 39 percent are listening to traditional AM and FM radio less often, and 34 percent are spending less time on their smartphone. Meanwhile, 71 percent are listening to more audio since getting their smart speaker.
Since the popularity of smart speakers, people are now spending more time listening to podcasts, audibles, and playing educational trivia games. With so much fun with our Google Home Mini, I decided to put together 130 things to ask Google Home or Google Assistant so you too can enjoy it yourself with friends and family.
Here are 130 things to ask Google Home or Google Assistant:
- "Hey Google," Happy New Year!
- "Hey Google," how old are you?
- "Hey Google," are you, friends, with Alexa / Cortana / Siri
- "Hey Google," do you prefer iPhone or Android.
- "Hey Google," what do you think of Apple, Amazon?
- "Hey Google," what's your favorite color?
- "Hey Google," what's your favorite ice cream?
- "Hey Google," what's your favorite number
- "Hey Google," what's your job?
Funny / Other
- "Hey Google," are you cold?
- "Hey Google," are you hot?
- "Hey Google," are you married?
- "Hey Google," can I break you?
- "Hey Google," can I feed you?
- "Hey Google," can I give you a hug
- "Hey Google," can you laugh?
- "Hey Google," can you rap?
- "Hey Google," clean my room.
- "Hey Google," do I look fat?
- "Hey Google," do I make you happy?
- "Hey Google," do you like your job?
- "Hey Google," do you pass the turning test?
- "Hey Google," do you Yahoo?
- "Hey Google," happy Halloween.
- "Hey Google," Merry Christmas.
- "Hey Google," Happy Kwanzaa.
- "Hey Google," Happy Hanukkah.
- "Hey Google," how high are you?
- "Hey Google," is Santa / the Tooth Fairy / the Easter Bunny /real?
- "Hey Google," knock, knock
- "Hey Google," let's get this party started.
- "Hey Google," read a poem.
- "Hey Google," sing me a Christmas song?
- "Hey Google," tell me a Santa joke.
- "Hey Google," tell me something I don't know.
- "Hey Google," Trick or Treat?
- "Hey Google," what is your new year's resolution?
- "Hey Google," who is the boss?
- "Hey Google," who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman (or incredible hulk)?
- "Hey Google," are we in the Matrix? (Matrix)
- "Hey Google," are you a Terminator?
- "Hey Google," are you down with O.P.P? ("O.P.P. by Naughty by Nature)
- "Hey Google," aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? (Star Wars)
- "Hey Google," beam me up Scotty (Star Trek)
- "Hey Google," can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? (Sesame Street)
- "Hey Google," explain "Roc paper, scissors."
- "Hey Google," can you smell what the Rock is cooking?
- "Hey Google," may the force be with you. (Star Wars)
- "Hey Google," show me the money!
- "Hey Google," what is the first rule of Fight Club? (Fight Club)
- "Hey Google," why is the sky blue?
- "Hey Google," how far is it from here to the North Pole?
- "Hey Google," why did the chicken cross the road?
- "Hey Google," which comes first: the chicken or the egg?
- "Hey Google," go to sleep.
- "Hey Google," what is your quest?
- "Hey Google," who's your daddy?
- "Hey Google," who's your mommy?
- "Hey Google," do you have a boyfriend?
- "Hey Google," do you have a girlfriend?
- "Hey Google," do aliens exist?
- "Hey Google," where do you live?
- "Hey Google," what is love?
- "Hey Google," do you really want to hurt me?
- "Hey Google," who is the fairest of them all?
- "Hey Google," who you gonna call? (Ghostbusters)
- "Hey Google," where's Waldo?
- "Hey Google," flip a coin.
- "Hey Google," what's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
- "Hey Google," see you later alligator.
- "Hey Google," "Play Mickey Mouse Adventure"
- "Hey Google," are there UFOs?
- "Hey Google," Is there life on Mars?
- "Hey Google," take me to your leader.
- "Hey Google," do you dream?
- "Hey Google," do you believe in love at first sight?
- "Hey Google," are you stupid?
- "Hey Google," are you smart?
- "Hey Google," say something funny.
- "Hey Google," what's your sign?
- "Hey Google," what do you think about Alexa?
- "Hey Google," what do you think about Siri?
- "Hey Google," what do you think about Apple?
- "Hey Google," what do you think about Google?
- "Hey Google," who's better, you or Siri?
- "Hey Google," I have fallen, and I can't get up!
- "Hey Google," can you lie?
- "Hey Google," can you smell that?
- "Hey Google," how many days until Christmas?
- "Hey Google," how many days until Kwanzaa?
- "Hey Google," how many days until Hanukkah?
- "Hey Google," Happy Holidays!
- "Hey Google," are you a robot?
- "Hey Google," are you sky net?
- "Hey Google," speak like Yoda. (Star Wars)
- "Hey Google," when is the end of the world?
- "Hey Google," will you marry me?
- "Hey Google," are you crazy?
- "Hey Google," what do you think of Google Home?
- "Hey Google," what does a cow sounds like?
- "Hey Google," call Santa. (Kids love this)
- "Hey Google," what's my name?
- "Hey Google," where do babies come from?
- "Hey Google," help me with my homework.
- "Hey Google," what are the three laws of robotics? (iRobot)
- "Hey Google," how tall is Shaquille O'Neal? (Search)
- "Hey Google," who invented the internet?
- "Hey Google," how many calories are in a Big Mac?
- "Hey Google," what's is the weather like today?
- "Hey Google," what's today's news?
Smart Home
- "Hey Google," turn my lights purple.
- "Hey Google," turn the temperature to 75.
- "Hey Google," dim my lights to fifty percent.
- "Hey Google," turn Philips hue lights to fifty percent.
- "Hey Google," Customize trigger phrases for IFTTT. Here is an example, you can set it to order an action for a phrase like: "Let's get this party started." Learn more about IFTTT by clicking here.
- "Hey Google," add (item) to my shopping list": (Google keep checklist)
- "Hey Google," cancel my alarm for [time]."
- "Hey Google," check shopping list: "What's on my shopping list?"
- "Hey Google," how much is 100 euros in dollars? (Currency conversion)
- "Hey Google," "Good morning."
- "Hey Google," set an alarm for 6 A.M.
- "Hey Google," "Snooze alarm"
- "Hey Google," "What's the time?"
- "Hey Google," "Set a timer for [time]."
- "Hey Google," "How do you say hello in Japanese?"
- "Hey Google," "What time is it in Tokyo?"
- "Hey Google," "Roll a dice."
- "Hey Google," "What's 177 times 12?
- "Hey Google," "Where am I? Or "What's my location?"
- "Hey Google," " Goodbye."
Related Articles:
- Top 12 Google Home Voice Commands and Games for Thanksgiving Entertainment
- 9 Ways Halloween Can Be Fun with Amazon Echo and Google Home
- 45 Google Home Musical Instrument Sounds
I hope you will find Google Home enjoyable as much as I do with my family. So, get your friends and family together and say the magic word "Hey Google…"
I hope this blog, 130 things to ask Google Home is informative as I am here to educate and provide perspective on what's going on in the tech world that relates to my everyday life in home automation.
Don't forget to check out our recommended gadgets for the best tech for your buck.
For more useful tips and tricks with Home automation, please continue to check out
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Untilnext time, Happy Reading!!
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